During all of the uncertainty of today's world, it seems that the role of a parent has completely changed in the recent weeks and the need for interaction and support has multiplied. With the kids home from school, stores closed and many people's jobs uncertain and a virus running rampant across the world, fear and frustration are clearly emotions people are dealing with daily. Isolation is a necessity right now, making human connection much more precious. Everyday life has completely changed and this change is not an easy thing to deal with. It is completely understandable to be afraid, frustrated, stressed or uncertain.
Hubby and I are considered essential employees based on the work we do with governmental and health care customers. Hubby is working from home and pulling triple duty by taking care of the kids and the shopping and things around the house while working. I have been unfortunately sick for a little over a week and am finally feeling better (my fever has broken and I am no longer experiencing any symptoms of the cold I had), moved out of isolation (I was quarantined away from the kids and hubby to make sure they don't get sick) and back to work (I have to go in). It has been a crazy couple of weeks (following a crazy few months, the beginning of 2020 has not been very kind) but we are pulling through. I have to admit with the kids being home, the mom guilt is kicking in big time but that is a blog post for another time. Mostly the feelings of stress and being completely overwhelmed have run Hubby and I a little ragged. So if you are feeling any of this, that is completely normal. If the kids are driving you a little insane (or a lot) that is completely normal.
I watched a very helpful video from a life coach (Kemi Nekvapil) the other day that gave great advice for what to do to help with the feelings that are so prevalent (THANK YOU RESET SUMMIT from the Body Image Movement you should check it out https://bodyimagemovement.com/resources/the-reset-summit/). If you notice yourself being overwhelmed, angry, scared, stressed...stop take a breath and ask yourself what do I need right now and how do I get it? Is it a time out for a couple minutes, comfort food, watching something that will make you laugh or calling someone that is supportive in ways you need. Whatever it is let yourself have what you need. Realize that there is only so much that you can do. If you are providing those you love with what they need for support and taking care of yourself then that is the best thing you could be doing.
Another thing that she mentioned was what can you create or build right now? What is something creative that you can do that will bring you joy? Most people feel relaxation and joy by being creative, so by allowing yourself to create during this time is a helpful way to spend some time doing something to make you smile. It's positive energy, happy healing and mind clearing relaxation.
How are you all holding up right now? What are some projects you are working on while being on isolation? Are any of you essential employees (Thank you so much for continuing making it possible for life to continue going and working so hard everyday!!!)? If any of you need help, please reach out. If you are in need of support let me know. If you want someone to understand or just listen I am willing.
Just know that I am right there with you all during these uncertain times and will continue on this journey, struggling through the changes that are what the world is currently...