Sunday, December 4, 2016

Christmas Decorating

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, we have started decorating for Christmas. My kids have gotten really excited about the upcoming holiday. They are so thrilled about Santa coming. Every time they see the Christmas tree they say, "Yay!!!! It's Christmas!" I love their enthusiasm, excitement and enjoyment for the holiday. When they look outside and see the lights on the neighborhood houses they shout, "Look at the pretty lights!" I love the way a children's belief in the holiday magic rubs off on us. It makes this season brighter and more filled with joy at least for me.

I figured I would share some of our Christmas decorations with you. The first is our nutcracker, garland, and stockings on the fireplace.

Our Christmas tree, the kids helped put ornaments on it. It was a fun evening.

Our small town on snow. Eventually we will add to it, maybe some more snow, trees and possibly old vintage cars.

Our small dining centerpiece, the wooden reindeer and two LED candles. It is new this year, we got it at Lowe's. We were very excited about it.
Please feel free to share your own Christmas decorations. I would love to be inspired by anything you are willing to share. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I would love to hear about all of your experiences.

Until next time...

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