Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving...

I love fall, the colors, the weather, the food, Thanksgiving, spending time with family...I love the idea behind Thanksgiving, how people come together, share, are gracious and thankful for all the good in their lives. Fall just makes me happy.

I visited family in Kentucky one year during the fall and the leaves changing colors was unbelievably beautiful. The way that a tablescape during fall can look with pumpkins, candles, acorns is lovely...I enjoy the way we can bring nature into decor. Fall incorporates so many wonderful things

This year my mother is hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Since Hubby and my father were diagnosed with Type II diabetes, we try to create healthier food options for them. We make traditional Thanksgiving food items but with less carbs. Sometimes we are successful, other times not so much. Last year we made mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes, that was not so successful. It definitely did not turn out as we had anticipated.

This year instead of turkey my dad is making a prime rib roast. Now I enjoy turkey, but prime rib roast is delicious. I'm not exactly sure how my dad is planning on preparing it, but I found this recipe online and it looked yummy. What do you all think? What is your favorite meat to have on Thanksgiving? I am not a fan of ham, although Hubby enjoys I'm glad they are not making that.
My favorite side dish is stuffing, particularly the way my mom makes it. She incorporates celery, carrots, onion, apples, hot breakfast sausage and cranberries into it. The combination of flavors is delicious. This is the splurge I have on Thanksgiving. If there are any leftovers I always take them home. I get to enjoy it all to myself  because Hubby and the kids don't like stuffing...What is your favorite side dish? What is the one item that makes it Thanksgiving for you?
This year for dessert my mom is making a triple berry crisp. She made this for an event that we had earlier this year and it was a crowd favorite. Since it is made out of berries, it makes it healthier and better for Hubby and my dad. She used steal cut oats for the crisp. She altered the recipe in slight ways to make it healthier and it was unbelievably delicious. I can't wait to have it again. What is your favorite dessert?
I am looking forward to our meal this year, plus the family time tomorrow. From my family to yours, wishing you a wonderful and yummy Thanksgiving. We hope your day is filled with lots of laughs, love and memories that will last a life time. Feel free to send any Thanksgiving stories or recipes. Until next time...

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