Sunday, November 20, 2016

Just an Everyday Mom

First let me tell you a little about myself. I am an everyday, normal wife and mother of two children. I am 31 years old. My husband and I have been together for 13 years, married for 9 of them. My husband is 36 and was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes last year. My firstborn is my son, my Bugaboo, who is 5 years old and was diagnosed with Autism last year. My second born is my daughter, my Doodlebug, who is 3 and acts like she is going on 15. I was a stay at home mom for 3 years until we couldn't afford for me to be able to do that any more. Now I work as a buyer/purchasing agent for a metal fabrication shop that focuses on Aerospace and Defense custom pieces and prototypes. I am also a certified event planner. I worry, stress and just try to get through each day with my sanity intact. I am sleep deprived, hard working and doing my best. I love my family more than anything. Everyday is a struggle and busy.

So why start a blog...

As a mother, I question my decisions constantly and make mistakes. There are times where it would be nice to just feel like I am not the only one, that someone gets it and gets me. My sister-in-law recently had a baby and it seems to be nice for her to share her concerns, worries and struggles with me since I can understand exactly where she is coming from. So starting a blog that shares real life, real decisions, real mistakes seemed like a place for other everyday moms to see that someone gets their struggles. I will share my struggles, mistakes, stresses and successes. I will share ideas, hopes and dreams. I will share recipe ideas, party ideas and all of my typical mommy things. I will share my journey through life with you as an everyday mom.

Please join me on this journey and share any questions, concerns or your journey's with me. I would love to hear from you. This will be a safe place, a non-judgemental place to share the struggles of mommyhood, wifedom, working or staying at home. Until next time...

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