Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Sorry for being M.I.A. the last couple of weeks. There has been quite a bit going on in our house.

So, first off my Bugaboo started a new program at a new school. We are very lucky in the area that we live that there are many specialized programs for kids with Autism. So at the beginning of the school year Bugaboo was in a moderate/severe autism based class that was non-diploma based curriculum. His teacher and the aides noticed extreme progress on his end and suggested that he be tested again for placement. So they did and they found that he should be moved up to a mild/moderate class that is diploma based curriculum meaning that he would be getting the same information of a general education class just in a smaller class, with more visual cues and in a format more suited to the needs of an autistic child. So we have had meetings with teachers, program specialists, IEP meetings and school tours. He started his new school on February 6th. If any of you have any questions about what any of that means just let me know and I will happily provide more info...

Now at the beginning of the school year, our little doodlebug was not ready for school. However, she is definitely ready now, so we found a preschool based program at the community center and signed her up. So she started her first preschool experience on Feb 7th. Trying to find the right program and signing her up, meeting her teacher, all took some time too.

Work has been completely crazy. We had an unbelievable number of jobs come in the last couple of weeks and being the person who does contract review, purchasing for all material, creating the travelers and handles all shipping duties, certs and reception, vendor meetings and any other need of my manager or president...well I've just been exhausted by the end of the night every night.

Hubby has been super busy with new duties at work, handling the kids at home all week and the adjustments that have needed to be made with the changes in everybody's schedule.

The hubby and also managed a minor remodel in the house as well. We changed things up in our downstairs bathroom the top is the now and bottom is the before...
We stained the cabinet, changed the faucet and light fixture, repurposed the mirror and towel rack and put in a new medicine cabinet and painted the walls. It took an entire week but we got it done and we really like the way it turned out. We did it in a pretty good budget too.

My doodlebug's birthday is coming up so I will be posting all about planning the party (which I've been doing while being M.I.A. too). So what have you all been up to these last couple weeks? Would love to hear about your lives.
Until next time I will just continue to enjoy this crazy busy journey of an everyday mom.

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