Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Weekend alone with the kiddos...

I am a very lucky woman. My hubby who works from home is also the main care taker of the kids during the week. He does an amazing job with them while trying to get everything he needs to get done for work. He struggles, just like any of us would if we were put in the same position. I am very grateful for all that he does and definitely do not tell him enough how amazing he is. He makes it possible for me to go to work everyday without worrying about my kids every second of the day. I know that this often means he has to work late into the night to make up for time he missed during the day. Here is my handsome hubby on one of our date nights that he organized which he tries to do once a week for us (like I said, I'm super lucky)...

Since he does so much for us, one weekend, every couple of months, he goes away for the weekend on a guys camping trip while I stay home with the kids. This gives him something to look forward to and a necessary break so that he doesn't completely loose his mind. One of these weekends is coming up soon, so while the hubby is away I need to come up with a plan...

So here is my working plan for a weekend with the kiddos...
1. Cinnamon rolls (the kids love them and the hubby can't really have them with the whole diabetes thing and all so better not to tempt him with them) with morning cartoons.
2. Crafts/practice writing names/water colors, on their table on the tile (easy clean up) while mom watches a show or two and keeping an eye on them at the same time!
3. Outside play with the playset and digging and tag...burn some energy while mom chills on the patio furniture maybe with a beer or a glass of wine if needed :)

4. Order pizza (no cooking for this mama on this weekend if I can help it :) plus it will last for two days lunch both days)
5. Indoor games like hide and seek or fort building
6. Movie and popcorn...maybe a couple movies if I can get my kids to sit for that long.
7. Lots and lots of snuggles, hugs and kisses...I mean I do love these kids and all and maybe it will help them to fall asleep early but unlikely.
8. Straightening up some parts of the house...don't want to look like I sat on my butt all weekend ;)

There it is, a weekend plan with my kiddos and just me. Some fun, some relaxing and some time for the hubby. So what are some ways that you entertain the kids? What are your favorite weekend activities? What do you have planned? I would love to know if you have any ideas or stories to share. Until next time I am going to continue enjoying this journey of an everyday mom...

1 comment:

  1. So he gets to go this weekend?? I sure hope so, he has been looking forward to it. Sounds like you have a fun-filled weekend with the kids. Enjoy!
