Monday, January 9, 2017

2017 Goals

It's a new year, although this first week left a lot to be desired between my kids poor behavior and me being sick, I am looking forward to meeting some goals that I have set for myself. I figured I would share my goals with you so you can see what I am trying to accomplish and to help keep me accountable for committing to them.

My goals are for my all around life. The things I might feel I need to work on, dislike about myself or want to be better at in general. I have work goals, mommy goals and personal goals. So here we go...

1. Write more. I thoroughly enjoy writing and would love not only to write more on this blog but one day I would love to write a book. So for my own relaxation, enjoyment and feeling of fulfillment I am going to work on writing more.

2. Stay in better contact with my friends. I love them and wish I saw them more. I have a bad habit of staying in my head or being a homebody so my goal is to reach out to them more so that they know and understand how much they mean to me.

3. Share and learn more about Autism. It has become such a huge part of our life since Bugaboo was diagnosed but there are times where I don't feel like I know how to share exactly what it is I wish people knew like what happens during a meltdown. Joseph had one this week and people just stared thinking he was throwing a tantrum which is so far from the truth.

4. Enjoy life more. Laugh more. Be more adventurous with my clothes and make-up. Talk to people. Just get out of my head and stop fretting about how truly socially awkward I am. Learn to love and embrace it. I am getting better about this but need to do even better.

5. Do better for my kids. Read more books to them. Get more strict about chores. They help around the house now but want to set up something more rewarding for us and them.

6. Spruce up the house. I want to completely re-organize my house and change up the decor. Create a home I am truly proud of. It is definitely a work in progress but we are getting there.

7. Spread kindness. I know that my day is better when I smile and sometimes it makes someone else's day better. We need more kindness in the world so why not stop with me.

8. Get in shape and eat better. Now this is a lifetime goal because it is not a simple process, but it is definitely needed especially with my husband having Type II diabetes.

9. Learn more. Learn more for work. Learn more from my elders. Learn more from my friends. Keep an open mind, open heart and learn from the world.

10. Take a vacation. Last year the hubby and I took a vacation together just the two of us. It was amazing and I would love to make this happen again this year. We could definitely use it.

Creating goals, reflecting on yourself and truly looking at who you want to be is never ending. I am continuously wanting to be better for myself, my kids and my husband. I want 2017 to be an amazing year and am willing to put in the effort to make this happen. So these are my goals that I am going to be working towards. I might not make them all happen this year, but that is why they are goals. Something to work towards.

Tell me about you. What do you want to work towards? Maybe we can work together on making these things happen for each other. I would love to know all your goals. Until next time I will just enjoy another day in this Journey of an everyday and ever changing mom...

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