Monday, January 2, 2017

Cooking with the kiddos...

My mom is an amazing baker, and makes the cakes or cupcakes for all of my kids birthday parties. The woman even took cake decorating classes just to make special birthday cakes for the kiddos. These are a few of the cakes she has made throughout the year.

See what I mean, they look amazing but even better than that they taste amazing as well. I mean chocolate cake with oreo marshmallow fluff filling, butter cake with raspberry filling or spice cake with apple pie filling. Completely delicious! Since my kids love her cakes and cupcakes so much they wanted to learn to make them as well. So while we were out shopping earlier they asked if we could make some cupcakes. Luckily for me, I asked my mom how she doctors the cake box to make it taste so good ;)

So here we are making some funfetti cupcakes, I'm not adventurous or talented enough to stuff my cupcakes. The kids have been practicing breaking eggs. I let them crack them in a bowl before baking or cooking eggs in a pan that way if they get any shells in the eggs I can remove them before cooking.

They are getting pretty good at it. They crack them and split them now without any assistance from me.

They also help me pour all of the other ingredients into the bowl before mixing. I, of course, measure everything out first because they can't quite do that yet.

After we have mixed everything, they also put all of the cupcake holders into the pan for me. Then I scoop all of the batter in, using an ice cream scoop so that they are evenly sized. I bake them at 350 and start checking to see if they are done at about 10 minutes. Don't go by the box because last time I did I overcooked them :( Then when they are out and cooled I let the kids help me frost them and decorate them with whatever sprinkles we have. They love that part. Then we have a snack in the house for a week.

I enjoy teaching my kiddos things that will help them as they grow up. Learning how to cook is such a good tool for them and they truly enjoy it. Lucky for this mommy, they even share and take turns without bickering, thank goodness. What type of things do you like to cook with your kiddos? What is your favorite recipe? What life tools do you like teaching to your kiddos? I would love to hear it all. Until next time I will just continue on this journey as an everyday mom.

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